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Your personal blueprint

"The most valuable document you will ever receive when you long for more joy, peace, and contentment."


That you can take a glimpse into your own treasure trove of innate talents, unique strengths, and even the way you make decisions.


By understanding how you're wired, you'll uncover why you hold certain feelings and why you sometimes do things the way you do.


And that insight? It can make a world of difference in finding inner peace, boosting your self-confidence, and determining the right direction in your life!


So, if you're curious to understand why you excel in some things, why certain situations energize you while others drain you, then this personal blueprint is truly a revelation you wouldn't want to miss!

Order your personal blueprint for only 55 euros

What will you discover?

  • Profile: The Profile in Human Design describes how you see yourself and how others perceive you. It is based on the positions of the Sun and Moon at the time of your birth and provides insight into your foundational personality


  • Strategy: The Strategy in Human Design refers to the way in which you can make effective choices and purposefully take steps in your life. It is based on your personal design and helps you align with your natural energy


  • Authority: Authority pertains to how you can trust your inner feeling and choose the right direction without doubt. It is the central point for decision-making in Human Design and varies from person to person


  • Signature/Not-self: This relates to how you can recognize if you're on the right path and how to notice the signals when you're veering off course. It's about understanding your own energetic signature and avoiding 'not-self' behavior


  • Centers and Gates: These refer to the energy centers and specific points in your design that represent certain qualities and traits. Each center and gate has its own meaning and influence on your personality


Step 1

Fill in your details.

Note: It's important that you have your exact time of birth for this. If you don't know it, you can request a birth certificate from the town hall

Step 2

Click on 'view your chart

Step 3

Order your Personal Blueprint

Step 4

Clear your schedule for the next few hours... Once you start reading, you won't want to stop

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